Research Topic
Forestry management with considering ecosystem sustainability
Utilization of wood materials, a renewable natural resource, is significant for developing ecologically sustainable society. However, forestry practices have often caused degradation of the target ecosystem. I'm conducting studies on structure, dynamics and diversity of managed forests, and am trying to establish alternative management regimes which make harmony with conservation issues.
ecological forestry ; northern mixed forest; selection system; uneven-aged silviculture; assisted natural regeneration
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
Forest Research Station, Nayoro Office (director)
Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University
Course in Forest Field Science, Division of Biosphere Science(Professor)
Tokuda 250, Nayoro 096-0071 Hokkaido, JAPAN (Nayoro Office)
TEL:+81-1654-2-4264; FAX:+81-1654-3-7522
TEL:+81-165-38-2125; FAX:+81-165-38-2410

Haratani, H., Yoshida, T. 2024. Scarification under the canopy of Japanese oak: should pre-harvest treatment coincide with the masting year of acorns? Journal of Forest Research,
Nakaya, A., Ohno, Y., Ohsaki, H., Yoshida, T. 2023. Tree and stand characteristics associated with the occurrence of false heartwood in individual Japanese white birch trees. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2023-0213
Makoto, K., Utsumi, S., Zeng, R., Mamiya, W., Miyazaki, T., Okuyama, T., Tanaka, F., Yamada, T., Yoshida, T. 2023. Which native legume or non-legume nitrogen-fixing tree is more efficient in restoring post-landslide forests along an environmental gradient? Forest Ecology and Management.
Aihara, T., Araki, K., Onuma, Y., Cai, Y., Paing, A.M.M., Goto, S., Hisamoto, Y., Tomaru, N., Homma, K., Takagi, M., Yoshida, T., Iio, A., Nagamatsu, D., Kobayashi, H., Hirota, M., Uchiyam, K., Tsumura, Y. 2023. Divergent mechanisms of reduced growth performance in Betula ermanii saplings from high-altitude and low-latitude range edges. Heredity.
Obata, A., Yoshida, T., Hiura, T. 2023. Estimation of stand biomass and species-specific biomass in primary northern mixed forests in 1920-1930's : Understanding environmental factors affecting carbon sequestration before recent climate change. Ecological Indicators. 110495.
Paing, A.M.M., Chen, S., Araki, K., Aihara, T., Sarmah,R., Hirota, M., Tsumura, Y., Tomaru, N., Homma, K., Kadomatsu, M., Yoshida, T., Kobayashi, H., Iio, A., Osumi, K., Nagamatsu, D., Takagi, M., Taneda, H., Kimura, N., Fukuoka, S., Hisamoto, Y. and Goto, S. 2022. Site characteristics of Betula ermanii range-wide provenance trials. Miscellaneous Information of The University of Tokyo Forests. 66: 1-2.
Yoshida, T., Yamazaki, H. and Miyamoto, T. 2022. Scarification with surface soil replacement can promote understory reinitiation as well as the growth of a secondary birch stand. Journal of Forest Research, 28: 51-56., T. 2021. Regeneration dynamics on treefall mounds and pits for 10 years after a windfall in a natural mixed forest. Forests, 2021, 12, 1064.
Paing, A.M.M., Chen, S., Tsumura, Y., Tomaru, N., Homma, K., Kadomatsu, M., Yoshida, T., Kobayashi, H., Iio, A., Osumi, K., Taneda, H., Hisamoto, Y. and Goto, S. 2021. Determination of intraspecific variation in seed weight, leaf functional traits, and sapling size of Betula ermanii using a common garden experiment. Journal of Forest Research, 26: 419-426.
Makoto, K., Susloparova, E., Tsuyama, I., Shimase, T., Nakaba, S., Takahashi, N. and Yoshida, T. 2021. Influence of soil properties on the heartwood colour of Juglans mandshurica var. sachalinensis in a cool temperate forest. Journal of Wood Science, 67: 49.
Suzuki, N., Yoshida, T., Miyamoto, T., Fukuzawa, K., Taniguchi, T. and Yamazaki, H. 2021. Early establishment of spruce (Picea glehnii [Fr. Schm.] Masters) seedlings on disturbed soil with the aim of assisted natural regeneration. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 36: 126-134.
Yamazaki, H. and Yoshida, T. 2020. Various scarification treatments produce the different regeneration potentials for trees and forbs through changing soil properties. Journal of Forest Research, 25: 41-50.
Karibu, F., Satoh, F., Shibata, H., Kamiura, T., Kozuka, C., Takanishi, T., Hayakashi, S., Hirano, Y., Mamiya, W., Yabuhara, Y., Sakai, R., Sugiyama, H., Masumoto, H., Fukuzawa, N., Takeda, T., Morita, H., Yamanouchi, M., Hasegawa, J. and Yoshida, T. 2020. Stream water quality in relation to watershed-scale practical forest management in a cool-temperate natural forest in northern Japan. Ecological Research, 742-749. doi: 10.1111/1440-1703.12094. (Data paper)
Toda, M., Fukuzawa, K., Nakamura, M., Miyata, R., Wang, X., Doi, K., Tabata, A., Shibata, H., Yoshida, T. and Hara, T. 2018. Photosynthetically distinct responses of an early-successional tree, Betula ermanii, following a defoliating disturbance: observational results of a manipulated typhoon-mimic experiment. Trees, 32: 1789-1799.
Abe, H. and Yoshida, T. 2018. Factors predicting incidence of butt rot and trunk rot in individual stems of main tree species in a cool-temperate natural mixed forest in Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 23: 279-286.
Yamazaki, H. and Yoshida, T. 2018. Significance and limitation of scarification treatments on early establishment of Betula maximowicziana, a tree species producing buried seeds: effects of surface soil retention. Journal of Forest Research, 23: 166-172.
Yoshida, T., Naito, S., Nagumo, M., Hyodo, N., Inoue, T., Umegane, H., Yamazaki, H., Miya, H. and Nakamura, F. 2017. Structural complexity and ecosystem functions in a natural mixed forest under a single-tree selection silviculture. Sustainability, 9: 2093, doi:10.3390/su9112093
Sato, T., Yamazaki, H. and Yoshida, T. 2017. Extending effect of a wind disturbance: mortality of Abies sachalinensis following a strong typhoon in a natural mixed forest. Journal of Forest Research, 22: 336-342.
Asada, I., Yamazaki, H. and Yoshida, T. 2017. Spatial patterns of oak (Quercus crispula) regeneration on scarification site around a conspecific overstory tree. Forest Ecology and Management, 393: 81-88.
Inoue, T., Fukuzawa, K., Watanabe, T., Yoshida, T. and Shibata, H. 2017. Spatial pattern of soil nitrogen availability and its relationship to stand structure in a coniferous-broadleaved mixed forest with a dense dwarf bamboo understory in northern Japan. Ecological Research, 32: 227-241.
Puettmann, K.J., Wilson, S., Baker, S., Donoso, P., Droessler, L., Amente, G., Harvey, B.D., Knoke, T., Lu, Y., Nocentini, S., Putz, F.E., Yoshida, T. and Bauhus, J. 2015. Silvicultural alternatives to conventional even-aged forest management - what limits global adoption?" Forest Ecosystems, 2: 8.
Motohka, T., Yoshida, T., Shibata, H., Tadono, T. and Shimada, M. 2014. Mapping aboveground biomass in northern Japanese forests using the ALOS PRISM digital surface model. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53:1683-1691.
Yasuda, A., Yoshida, T., Miya, H. and Harvey, B. 2013. An alternative management regime of selection cutting for sustaining stand structure of mixed forests of northern Japan - a simulation study. Journal of Forest Research, 18: 398-406.
Yoshida, T., Noguchi, M., Uemura, S., Yanaba, S., Miya, H. and Hiura, T. 2011. Tree mortality in a natural mixed forest affected by stand fragmentation and by a strong typhoon in northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 16: 215-222.
Vodde, F., Jogiste, K., Kubota, Y., Kuuluvainen, T., Koster, K., Lukjanova, A., Metslaid, M., and Yoshida, T.. 2011. The influence of storm-induced microsites to regeneration patterns in boreal and hemiboreal forest: a review. Journal of Forest Research, 16: 155-167.
Toda, M., Kolari, P., Nakai, T., Kodama, Y., Shibata, H., Yoshida, T., Uemura, S., Sumida, A., Kato, K., Ono, K. and Hara, T. 2011. Photosynthetic recovery of foliage after wind disturbance activates ecosystem CO2 uptake in cool-temperate forests of northern Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 116, G02006, 14 PP.
Aoyama, K., Yoshida, T., Harada, A., Noguchi, M., Miya, H. and Shibata, H. 2011. Changes in carbon stock following soil scarification of non-wooded stands in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 16: 35-45.
Kangur, A.,Yoshida, T., Kubota, Y. and Metslaid, M. 2011. Approaches for forest disturbance studies: natural variability and tree regeneration. Journal of Forest Research, 16: 153-154.
Ishihara, M., Suzuki, S., Nakamura, M., Enoki, T., Fujiwara, A., Hiura, T., Homma, K., Hoshino, D., Hoshizaki, K., Ida, H., Ishida, K., Itoh, A., Kaneko, T., Kubota, K., Kuraji, K., Kuramoto, S., Makita, A., Masaki, T., Namikawa, K., Niiyama, K., Noguchi, M., Nomiya, H., Ohkubo, T., Saito, S., Sakai, T., Sakimoto, M., Sakio, H., Shibano, H., Sugita, H., Suzuki, M., Takashima, A., Tanaka, N., Tashiro, N., Tokuchi, N., Yakushima Forest Environment Conservation Center, Yoshida T. and Yoshida, Y. 2011. Forest stand structure, composition, and dynamics in 34 sites over Japan. Ecological Research, 26. (Data paper)
Yoshida, T. and Noguchi, M. 2010. Growth and survival of Abies sachalinensis seedlings for three years after selection harvesting in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 6: 37-42.
Mizunaga, H., Nagaike, T.,Yoshida, T. and Valkonen, S. 2010. Feasibility of silviculture for complex stand structures: designing stand structures for sustainability and multiple objectives. Journal of Forest Research, 15: 1-2.
Noguchi, M. and Yoshida, T. 2009. Individual-scale responses of five dominant tree species to single-tree selection harvesting in a mixed forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 14: 311-320.
Miya, H., Yoshida, T., Noguchi, M. and Nakamura, F. 2009. Individual growing conditions that affect diameter increment of tree saplings after selection harvesting in a mixed forest in northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 14: 302-310.
Katsuyama, M., Shibata, H., Yoshioka, T., Yoshida, T., Ogawa, A. and Ohte, N. 2009. Applications of a hydro-biogeochemical model and long-term simulations of the effects of logging in forested watersheds. Sustainability Science, 4: 179-188.
Yoshida, T. and Noguchi, M. 2009. Vulnerability to strong winds for major tree species in a northern Japanese mixed forest: analyses of historical data. Ecological Research, 24: 909-919.
Aoyama, K., Yoshida, T. and Kamitani, T. 2009. An alternative of soil scarification treatment for forest restoration: effects of soil replacement. Journal of Forest Research, 14: 58-62.
Noguchi, M. and Yoshida, T. 2007. Regeneration responses influenced by single tree selection harvesting in a mixed-species tree community in northern Japan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 37: 1554-1562.
Makoto, K., Nemilostiv, Y.P., Zyryanova, O.A., Kajimoto, T., Matsuura, Y., Yoshida, T., Satoh, F., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. 2007. Regeneration after forest fires in mixed conifer broad-leaved forests of the Amur region in Far Eastern Russia: the relationship between species specific traits against fire and recent fire regimes. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, 10: 51-58.
Yoshida, T., Noguchi, M., Akibayashi, Y., Noda, M., Kadomatsu, M. and Sasa, K. 2006. Twenty years of community dynamics in a mixed conifer-broad-leaved forest under a selection system in northern Japan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36: 1363-1375.
Nagai, M. and Yoshida, T. 2006. Variation in understory structure and plant species diversity influenced by silvicultural treatments among 21-to 26-year-old Picea glehnii plantations. Journal of Forest Research, 11: 1-10.
Yoshida, T., Hasegawa, M., Taira, H. and Noguchi, M. 2005. Stand structure and composition of a 60 year-old larch (Larix kaempferi) plantation with retained hardwoods. Journal of Forest Research, 10: 351-358.
Resco de Dios, V., Yoshida, T. and Iga Y. 2005. Effects of topsoil removal by soil-scarification on regeneration dynamics of mixed forests in Hokkaido, Northern Japan. Forest Ecology and Management, 215: 138-148.
Yoshida, T., Iga, Y., Ozawa, M., Noguchi, M. and Shibata, H. 2005. Factors influencing early vegetation establishment following soil scarification in a mixed forest in northern Japan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35: 175-188.
Noguchi, M. and Yoshida, T. 2005. Factors influencing the distribution of two co-occurring dwarf bamboo species (Sasa kurilensis and Sasa senanensis) in a conifer-broadleaved mixed stand in northern Hokkaido. Ecological Research, l20: 25-30.
Resco, V., Yoshida, T., Noguchi, M. and Akibayashi, Y. 2005. The role of domestic forest policy for conservation at international scale - An example of Japan. Electric letter responses to: Mayer, A.L., Kauppi, P.E., Angelstam, P.K., Zhang, Y. and Tikka, P.M. Importing Timber, Exporting Ecological Impact. Science (online) 3 June 2005.
Nagaike, T., Yoshida, T., Miguchi, H., Kamitani, T. and Nakashizuka, T. 2005. Rehabilitation for species enrichment in abandoned coppice forests in Japan. In Stanturf, J.A. and Madson P. (editors) Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests. pp 371-381. CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA.
Noguchi, M. and Yoshida, T. 2004. Tree regeneration in partially cut conifer-hardwood mixed forests in northern Japan: roles of establishment substrate and dwarf bamboo. Forest Ecology and Management, 190: 335-344.
Kurokawa, H., Yoshida, T., Nakamura, T., Lai, J. and Nakashizuka, T. 2003. The age of tropical rain-forest canopy species, Borneo ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri), determined by 14C dating. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 19: 1-7.
Yoshida, T. 2002. Stem growth and interspecific competition in a broadleaved secondary forest, central Japan: Implications for managing stands to maintain mixture of species. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, 4: 51-84.
Yoshida, T. and Kamitani, T. 2000. Interspecific competition among three canopy-tree species in a mixed-species even-aged forest of central Japan. Forest Ecology and Management, 137: 221-230.
Yamashita M., Yoshida T., Yoshimura M. and Nakashizuka T. 2000. Application of solar energy simulation for rainforest environment. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXIII, Part B7: 1723-1728.
Yoshida, T. and Kamitani, T.1999. Growth of a shade-intolerant tree species, Phellodendron amurense, as a component of a mixed-species coppice forest of central Japan. Forest Ecology and Management, 113: 57-65.
Yoshida, T., Yanagisawa, Y. and Kamitani, T. 1998. An empirical model for predicting the gap light index in an even-aged oak stand. Forest Ecology and Management,109: 85-89.
Yanagisawa, Y., Yoshida, T. and Kamitani, T. 1998. A pre-harvest method for predicting understory light levels created by artificial canopy gaps. Journal of Forest Research, 4: 53-56.
Yoshida, T. and Kamitani, T. 1998. Effects of crown release on basal area growth rates of some broad-leaved tree species with different shade-tolerance. Journal of Forest Research, 3: 181-184.
Yoshida, T. and Kamitani, T. 1997. The stand dynamics of a mixed coppice forest of shade-tolerant and intermediate species. Forest Ecology and Management, 95: 35-43.
Kamitani, T and Yoshida, T., 1991. The growth response of beech (Fagus crenata Blume) seedlings to the cutting of the overstory. Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society. 73 : 154-157.
Yoshida, T. Possible decline of Abies sachalinensis: Effects of wind disturbance in natural mixed forest in Hokkaido, Northern Japan International Symposium on Preservation for the Korean fir of Mt. Hallasan, Jeju, Korea, 2019/11/6-8.
Yoshida, T., Sato, T. and Yamazaki, H. Increased mortality of Abies sachalinensis following a wind-disturbance in a natural mixed forest. 15th International Conference on Ecology and Silviculture of Fir, Sapporo, Japan, 2016/9/21-24.
Yoshida, T. Thirty years of changes in stand structure of a northern Japanese mixed forest under a selection system. 9th IUFRO 1.05 Workshop of "uneven-aged silviculture", Future Concepts in Uneven-aged Silviculture for a Changing World, Zurich, Switzerland, 2014/6/17-19.
Yamazaki, H. and Yoshida, T. The effect of scarification with leaving surface soil on regeneration of Betula Maximowicziana. 9th IUFRO 1.05 Workshop of "uneven-aged silviculture", Future Concepts in Uneven-aged Silviculture for a Changing World, Zurich, Switzerland, 2014/6/17-19.
Yoshida, T. Effects of selection cutting on forest stand attributes in northern Japan: A silvicultural challenge with considering ecosystem sustainability. Joint Symposium on Environmental Science 2013 -Bridging Finland and Japan, Helsinki, Finland, 2013/11/27-28.
Yoshida, T. Recovery of diversity of natural mixed forests after a single tree selection in northern Japan. 7th IUFRO 1.05 Workshop of "uneven-aged silviculture", 21st Century forestry: Integrating ecologically-based uneven-aged silviculture with increased demands for forests, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2010/9/23-26.
Deal, R., Yoshida, T., Noguchi, M., Boncina, A. and Duduman, G. Management strategies to increase structural complexity and enhance biodiversity in mixed forests of Alaska, Japan, and central Europe. 7th IUFRO 1.05 Workshop of "uneven-aged silviculture", 21st Century forestry: Integrating ecologically-based uneven-aged silviculture with increased demands for forests, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2010/9/23-26.
Yoshida, T. and Noguchi, M. Windthrows and their consequences in forests in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Approaches for forest disturbance studies; VIII international meeting of SNS network Natural Disturbance Dynamics Analysis for Forest Ecosystem Management, Vihterpalu, Estonia, 2009/9/21-25.
Miya, H., Yoshida, T., Noguchi, M., Yone, Y., Oguma, H., Sakai, R., Takahashi, H.,Komiya, K. and Nakamura, F. Canopy gap dynamics and its influences on juvenile recruitments in a mixed forest under a selection system in northern Japan. 6th IUFRO 1.05 Workshop of "uneven-aged silviculture", Feasibility of Silviculture for Complex Stand Structures: Designing Stand Structures for Sustainability and Multiple Objectives, Shizuoka, Japan, 2008/10/24-27.
Yoshida, T., Miya, H., Yasuda, A., Noguchi, M., Kadomatsu, M. and Noda, M. Selection harvesting-induced changes in stand structure and composition of a northern Japanese mixed forest: a large-scale field observation over thirty years. 6th IUFRO 1.05 Workshop of "uneven-aged silviculture", Feasibility of Silviculture for Complex Stand Structures: Designing Stand Structures for Sustainability and Multiple Objectives, Shizuoka, Japan, 2008/10/24-27.
Yoshida, T. and Noguchi, M. Regeneration responses of a mixed-species tree community to selection harvesting in northern Japan. IUFRO 1.05 Uneven-aged Silviculture Research Group Conference and Tour "Natural disturbance-based silviculture: Managing for complexity", Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada, 2006/5/14-18.
Yoshida, T. and Noguchi, M. Effects of partial logging on community parameters in a northern Japanese mixed forest. International Workshop "Balancing Ecosystem Values", Portland, Oregon, USA, 2004/8/15-20.
Noguchi, M. and Yoshida, T. Spatial patterns of tree demography in relation to disturbance in a northern Japanese mixed forest under a selection system. IUFRO International Interdisciplinary Conference and Field Tour in Finland and Sweden "Uneven-aged Forest Management: Alternative Forms, Practices and Constraints", Espoo, Finland, 2003/6/8-17.
Yoshida, T., Noguchi, M., Akibayashi, Y. and Noda, M. Twenty years community dynamics of a conifer-hardwood mixed forest under a selection system, Northern Japan. IUFRO International Interdisciplinary Conference and Field Tour in Finland and Sweden "Uneven-aged Forest Management: Alternative Forms, Practices and Constraints", Espoo, Finland, 2003/6/8-17.
Nagaike, T., Kubota, Y., Yoshida, T. and Noguchi, M. Stand structure and dynamics of the selective logged Abies-Picea forests in northern Japan. IUFRO International Interdisciplinary Conference and Field Tour in Finland and Sweden "Uneven-aged Forest Management: Alternative Forms, Practices and Constraints", Espoo, Finland, 2003/6/8-17.
March 1998, Niigata University
Yoshida T. (1998) Factors affecting stem growth of broad-leaved tree species, and their implications for management practices of mixed-species secondary forests.